The term delayed ejaculation(DE) & retarded ejaculation mean the inability of a man to reach a climax inside vagina. There are number of males with this problem , In a little over half these cases , the man was eventually able to reach orgasm inside his partner’s vagina usually the man can achieve orgasm with masturbation , or loveplay , but not during sexual intercourse. In a journal of urology 2007 Dr. Michael Perelman and Dr. David Rowlands said that this disorder causes considerable distress , anxiety and loss sexual confidence. Retarded ejaculation is the third most common male sexual disorder after erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation . However it is nothing like as common as the other two. Delayed ejaculation is not easy to treat , only 58% of cases may have significantly improved by treatment. Many of the man tend to have had a strict upbringing and are very controlled in their lives , some have terrific drive & detachment and have risen to the top of their professions. A surprising number have been in the finance industry. Some of them readily admit to having quite controlling personalities. Very often this is directed inward rather than at other people. Other possible factors include:
According Ayurveda, sukra dhatu is the causative factor of Retarded ejaculation |
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