Insomnia or sleeplessness is known as persistent falling asleep or staying asleep or poor quality sleep or trouble in sleeping. Sometime not feeling refreshed after a night's sleep.
Causes of Insomnia:
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Heavy Chemical based medicines
- Eating heavy food before sleep
According to Ayurvedic concept, Insomnia is a typical vataj disorder and symptoms resembles high vata features like, vague thoughts, worry, nervousness, palpitation, irritation, constipation.
TThe physicians of Ayusya Clinic have given the following directions to the patients of insomnia and treat the patients very effectively:
- Ayurvedic treatment for insomnia includes changing life style, changing diet, herbal medicines and therapies, especially Panchakarma Therapy.
- Pancha karma therapy detoxifies and rejuvenates the body. It includes five procedures.
- Shirodhara, an Ayurvedic oil treatment, soothes insomnia, anxiety, and a preoccupied mind..
- A diet of natural foods, germinated wheat, raw root vegetables, whole wheat bread, cheese, butter, honey, and raw milk are recommended.
- insomnia Management patients are advised to follow a pure, natural and wholesome diet, which is low in fat and cholesterol.