In Diabetes, the body does not process properly and use certain foods, especially fats and carbohydrates. Glucose is a simple sugar that is the main source of energy for the body's cells. The human body normally converts carbohydrates to glucose. To enter cells glucose needs the help of insulin which is a hormone produced by the Pancreas. When a person doesn't make enough insulin, or the body is unable to use the insulin that is present, the body can't process the glucose, and it builds up in the bloodstream. The presence of high levels of glucose in the blood or urine is usually a clear sign of diabetes. Over a period of time, unhealthy changes can occur in different body organs of a person with diabetes, including damage to the kidneys.
People with pre-diabetes have blood glucose levels that are higher than normal but not high enough for a diagnosis of diabetes. This condition raises the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and stroke.
Diabetes is a disorder of the body's metabolism. It is a chronic health condition where the body is unable to produce insulin and properly break down sugar (glucose) in the blood. As a result, the level of sugar in the blood is increases very much. Body can't convert food into energy because of a lack of insulin, or because of an inability to use insulin. When we eat, the pancreas automatically produces the right amount of insulin to move glucose from blood into our cells. In people with diabetes, however, the pancreas either produces little or no insulin, or the cells do not respond appropriately to the insulin that is produced.
Different types of Diabetess
Type 1 - Juvenile onset Diabetes: Type 1 diabetes is also known as insulin dependent diabetes (IDDM), tends to occur in young adults and children. In Type 1 diabetes, the body produces little or no insulin. People with IDDM must receive daily insulin injections.
Type 2- Adult onset Diabetes: Type 2 diabetes is also known as non-insulin dependent diabetes (NIDDM), usually develops in people over the age of forty. It may also develop in people who are overweight. Many are not aware that they have the disease. The pancreas produces close to normal amounts of insulin, but the body is unable to use it properly. Many people with Type 2 diabetes do not respond normally to their own or to injected insulin - this is called insulin resistance.
Ayurveda & Diabetes
According to Ayurveda the balance of 3 energies- Vata, Pitta and Kapha (Kinetic, Thermal and Potential energy) in the body is a disease free state whereas their imbalance causes diseases. In Ayurveda, imbalance in Vata and Kapha is considered as root cause of diabetes, in which diminished functioning of agni leads to a tendency toward high blood sugar.
According to the unique assessments of ayurvedic concepts diabetes is the disease which occurs when toxins get accumulated in the tissue and result in circulation blockage. The various root causes of diabetes that ayurveda enlists are poor nutrition and poor digestion, inequity of nervous system, physical and mental stress, and disturbance in natural biological cycle.
It can be said in a way that the Ayurvedic remedies for diabetes mellitus are the oldest among all the available therapies. The approach of Ayurveda towards diabetes mellitus is that, diabetes mellitus is a disease caused due to doshic imbalances. The doshas are the three humors that govern the human body. These are the vata dosha, pitta dosha and kapha dosha. These three humors must be present in a proper balance within the body in order to keep the body in the normal state of its functioning. If even one of the doshas is vitiated, then it can lead to diseases, and diabetes mellitus is one of them.
Ayurveda includes diabetes mellitus in the prameha category. Pramehas are a list of urinary disorders, especially characterized by profuse urination with several abnormal qualities. There are twenty kinds of pramehas in Ayurveda. According to the doshic causes, these pramehas are classified as follows -
- Ataja pramehas – There are totally four vataja pramehas.
- Pittaja pramehas – There are totally six pittaja pramehas.
- Kaphaja pramehas – There are totally ten kaphaja pramehas
Out of these, diabetes mellitus is termed as madhumeha. It is one of the four vataja pramehas
Most of the other treatment methods for diabetes mellitus regard it as a largely dietary disease. But Ayurveda here differs widely in its outlook. Ayurveda does not regard diabetes mellitus as a disease that can be treated by mere medicine or by a dietary regimen. The Ayurvedic treatment for diabetes mellitus is based on an entire change in the lifestyle of the person. Along with medication and diet, the patient is also advised to lead a healthy lifestyle and live an active life. Even mental aspects of the disease are stressed. Most vataja disorders originate in the brain, and since madhumeha is classified as vataja, it is highly important to keep the brain in its right manner of functioning.
Another basic difference is in the treatment of the complications that diabetes mellitus causes. Diabetes mellitus can cause several complications in the long run such as kidney failure, paralysis and gangrene. Each of these can be fatal conditions individually. Conventional medical science tries to reduce the blood sugar level, but does not put more weight on the treatment of the complications. However, in Ayurveda, madhumeha is a broad concept which does not include just the hyperglycemia; it also takes into account all the possible complications. The body is taken as a whole and the treatment is done accordingly.
Ayurveda is very closely knit with yoga for the treatment and control of diabetes mellitus. For example, the paschimottasana, is highly recommended for patients of madhumeha. In this manner, Ayurveda is not restricted in its treatment of diabetes, but takes a much broader perspective.
The practitioners of Ayusya Clinic recommended combination of medicinal (Herbo – mineral ) treatment, life style management and Yoga therapy to combat this metabolic disorder very effectively and keep the patients in better form. So if you are looking for the best ayurvedic treatment for diabetes Contact Us.