A urinary tract infection (UTI) is a bacterial infection that affects part of the urinary tract. When it affects the lower urinary tract it is known as a simple cystitis(a bladder infection) and when it affects the upper urinary tract it is known as pyelonephritis(a kidney infection). Symptoms of lower urinary tract infection include painful urination and either frequent urination or urge to urinate (or both), while those of pyelonephritis include fever and flank pain in addition to the symptoms of a lower UTI. In the elderly and the very young, symptoms may be vague or non specific. The main causal agent of both types is Escherichia coli, however other bacteria, viruses or fungi may rarely be the cause. Urinary tract infections occur more commonly in women than men, with half of women having at least one infection at some point in their lives. Recurrences are common. Risk factors include female anatomy, sexual intercourse and family history. Pyelonephritis, if it occurs, usually follows a bladder infection but may also result from a blood borne infection. Diagnosis in young healthy women can be based on symptoms alone. In those with vague symptoms, diagnosis can be difficult because bacteria may be present without there being an infection. Symptoms of urinary tract infections :
Physicians of Ayusya clinic have evaluated this disease through ayurvedic concepts and treat the patients by neutralizing the raised “Pitta dosha” in the urinary tract. Occasionally the culture of urine is required and applications of certain antibiotics is becoming a necessary. DietAyurveda recommends choosing a diet that will pacify 'pitta dosha' to help cleanse and eliminate the toxins that are bringing too much heat to the body. Drink plenty of water to help flush bacteria out of the urinary tract. Pure cranberry or pomegranate juice are excellent purifying drinks that reduce excess 'pitta' and also reduce proliferation of bacteria.The following foods have an adverse effect on the bladder and should be limited or avoided: alcohol, caffeine, carbonated beverages, coffee, chocolate, refined and processed foods, refined sugars. Lifestyle Management for UTIBacteria can flourish when conditions are warm and moist. Here are a few tips to help you stay cool and dry.
Ayurvedic Medicine/Herbs for UTIKidney supportive Ayurvedic medicines contain Gokshura and Punarnava, two herbs known specifically for their ability to support proper functioning of the urinary tract. The formula works to cool and soothe the entire urinary system, including inflammed membranes caused by urinary tract infections. Shatavari is sweet and cooling herb that helps to relieve 'pitta' inflammation in the genito-urinary system. Many current studies have confirmed Shatavari's antimicrobial activity against bacteria that are frequently present in urinary tract infections. Coriander, or Cilantro, is a helpful household spice to have on hand for high 'pitta' conditions such as burning urination. A fresh juice can be taken to instantly dispel excess 'pitta' from the body. Coriander seeds can be used in a tea, either by itself or along with cumin and fennel, as a digestive aid and anti-inflammatory for burning upon urination. Yoga for Urinary Tract InfectionInclude yoga poses that target the kidney and abdominal area such as Bhujangasana (Cobra pose), Setu Bhanda Sarvangasana (Bridge pose), and Dhanurasana (Bow pose). These help to massage and tone the kidneys and improve the function of genito-urinary organs. Pranayama'Shitali' is a cooling pranayama or breathing exercise that is effective in reducing excess heat in the body. Shitali also helps dispel emotions of anger and frustration. It is a practice that brings tranquility and contentment to the mind. To practice this Pranayama, sit comfortably, with spine long and in alignment.Curl the sides of the tongue up so that they touch each other.Close the lips around the tongue, forming a circle.Begin to slowing inhale air through the "straw" which is the tongue.At the top of the inhalation, release the tongue and close the mouth.Exhale out through the nose.Continue for up to 10 rounds of breath.Sit calmly and notice the cooling effect of this pranayama. Ayusya clinic offers the healing tools of self-care - diet, lifestyle, herbs, yoga, and pranayama to support a healthy urinary tract and bring balance to the body. |
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