Stress, worry, anxiety, and inadequate nutrition lead to hair loss and premature graying of hair. A certain amount of hair loss is considered normal, as old strands are replaced by new. When hair loss is excessive, care must be taken. Similarly, the graying of hair after a certain age is a normal phenomenon, but when this starts in the early years of life, one should look for remedies. Causes of Premature Graying and AlopeciaIncreased intake of fried, sour, spicy, salty, and fermented foods, as well as tea and coffee, aggravate the Pitta Dosha (Ayurvedic humor representing Fire) in the body. This Pitta accumulates in the skin of the scalp, leading to the fall of hair and graying prematurely. Factors like excessive anger and stress are also responsible. Excessive consumption of alcohol and meat also aggravate Pitta. Symptoms of Premature Graying and Alopecia
The only symptom is loss of hair whenever one combs the hair and graying of the hair at an early stage of life. Some systemic symptoms of Pitta aggravation might also be present like acid stomach, nausea, excessive sweating, and intolerance to heat.
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