Home > Skin Treatment > Leucoderma and Vitiligo
Leucoderma Ayurvedic doctor in kolkata
Leucoderma is a condition in which the skin layers experience loss of skin-pigment. It is also known as vitiligo, leucoderma causes white patches on the surface of skin. It is more common in women than in men and is mostly seen on the hands, neck, back and wrist. The main causes for leucoderma are excessive mental worry and chronic or acute gastric disorders. Other causes involve impaired hepatic function such as jaundice, worms or other parasites in the alimentary canal, typhoid, a defective perspiratory mechanism and burn injuries. It can also be the result of hereditary reasons.

In India, it is called 'Safed Kod' or 'Safed Dag' and is considered as a social stigma. Leucoderma or Vitiligo is appearance of single or multiple depigmented patches on any part of the body. These patches gradually increase in size & cause lot of psychological stress in the patient. It is an auto-immune condition and may have a genetic predisposition. Treatment of vitiligo usually takes a long time. Medical treatment helps arrest the spread of depigmentation and in some cases, may bring back the pigmentation. In majority of the cases, medical therapy only achieves stabilization of the vitiligo patch but fails to cause repigmentation. However, repigmentation in cases of 'stable vitiligo' can be achieved by various dermatosurgical techniques.
Leucoderma is a widespread disorder now a days. Generally it happens due to autoimmunity which is the most known reason. Depigmentation of skin happens first which acquires skin area in shape of a spot or patch forming vitiligo spots. No one can predict its spreading without medicines. Some person holds one patch for whole life and another person can suffer vast spreading. This all depends on how far a person's immunity is affected as per our studies. Facial vitiligo is a very bad situation in the life of a vitiligo patient. As the face gets a white spot it almost disturbs the psychosomatic state of the person' mind. One can feel embarrassed and get into deep depression after onset of facial vitiligo.
Physicians of Ayusya Clinic approaches to this disease by applying unique formulations as medicines which is unparallel to the rest and guided patients to perform under written measures for the best result.
- Doing pranayama and kapalbhati regularly can reduce daily stress level which help in faster healing Using copper utencil for drinking water storage will make the difference faster
- The best-know home remedy for leucoderma is the use of seeds of psoralea (babchi).
- A paste made from the seeds of the radish is valuable in treating leucoderma. About thirty-five grams of these seeds should be powdered in two teaspoons of vinegar and applied on the white patches.
- Another useful remedy for leucoderma is red clay found by the river side or on hill slopes. The clay should be mixed in ginger juice in a ratio of 1:1, and applied over the white spots once a day.
- The patient may, thereafter, gradually embark upon a well-balanced diet of seeds, nuts, grains, vegetables, and fruits.
- The patient should undertake a fast of juices for about a week.
- The patient should avoid tea, coffee, alcoholic beverages, all condiments and highly- flavoured dishes, sugar, white flour products, denatured cereals like polished rice and pearled barley, and tinned or bottled foods.