Most man has experienced the problem of premature ejaculation at some or many times in their life. Premature ejaculation is one of the most common sexual problems, which is explained as a condition where a person is unable to delay ejaculation to a point when it is mutually desimble for both of the partners. That means ejaculation occurs before a man want it to happen. Some men ejaculate darning foreplay while some do so at the very entry itself.
Psychological factors such as anxiety, guilt or depression and anxiety due to the fear of nonperformance can cause premature ejaculation. In some cases premature ejaculation may be related to an underlying medical cause such as hormonal problems, injury, or side effect of certain medicines.
Ayurveda has cure for premature ejaculation. According to ayurvedic concepts premature ejaculation is due to “Vata” aggravation .Quickness is the main quality of vata.its sensitivity is increased to the sense of touch fear anxiety nervousness’ are also associated with higher for the curing of premature ejaculation vata should be cured & balanced.
We offer ayurvedic treatment for premature ejaculation and our doctors have treated the problems of the patient keeping in mind both physiological & psychological factors.
Patients are offered/treated through superspeciality ayurvedic formulation and as well as some life style management. Our formulation has done the work very effectively with the help of some methods i.e squeeze technique, masters & Johnson method etc.
We are happy to help you..