Dyspepsia, otherwise called as indigestion in normal term, is an uncomfortable feeling in the upper part of the abdomen usually associated with pain, distension, burning sensation, sour belching etc. People of any age can get dyspepsia. Both men and women get it. It is a very common ailment, which can at times be very much debilitating, disturbing one's mind and affecting the general well being and work efficiency. Though it is a very common ailment, recurrent episodes can lead to much serious problems like gastric ulcer. Hence proper diagnosis and timely intervention is important to rectify the problem. ![]()
Management of Dyspepsia: The concept of Agni is simple and yet so important in treatment of any disease of the body. The condition of dyspepsia is understood as Agnimandhya in Ayurveda. The Agni is vitiated by factors such as
When Vata is predominantly affected, it causes pricking pain, flatulence, distension of abdomen, constipation, restlessness of the body etc. When Pitta is predominantly affected, it causes sour belching, burning sensations, mouth ulcers, burning sensation during micturition, disturbed sleep, yellowish discolouration of the eyes, urine and stools. When Kapha is predominantly affected, it causes heaviness of the abdomen, sweet taste in mouth, loss of appetite, laziness, drowsiness, lethargy, nausea, vomitting etc. According to the symptoms exhibited, the relevant dosha has to be identified and rectifed. Increasing the digestive fire is the first line of treatment in this condition. It can be done by simple fasting if the onset of the problem is quiet recent and mild. In case it is slightly severe, then medicines having the digestive and carminative property has to be resorted to under a doctor's prescription. When the condition is profound and chronic, Panchakarma treatment for dyspepsia, hyperacidity and indigestation helps to remove the excess accumulated Doshas and Aama from the body. Vamana (emesis) and Virechana (purgation) are the procedures which are adapted. Once the body is cleared of the toxins, the quality of the Agni is enhanced. It leads to proper digestion of foods and assimilation of the nutrients for the growth of the body. The ayurvedic doctors of Ayusya Clinic have treated the patients with unique combination of herbomineral compounds which is very much effective for the patients and following lifestyle management for dyspepsia and hyperacidity.
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